Recently, Deepika shared a series of photos under #His&Hers tag on Instagram, displaying some pairs of accessories from the couple’s recent vacation. Representing these items as little token of ‘Love’, Deepika expressed her feelings with fewer words.
As they say, it is good to Love and be in Love, but it is better never to miss a chance to express it. Deepika Padukone has always chosen to passive expressions whereas, Ranveer Singh has been quite vocal about it. Right from making a public statement expressing his love for Deepika to sharing a cuddly photo of hers with the Filmfare Black Lady’ (Ranveer Singh won the Filmfare award for best actor for ‘Gullyboy’), Ranveer does it all.
About time, ‘Ranu’ and ‘Deepu’ seem to be raising the bar for the definition of a perfect couple increasing the ‘Awww…’ moments in our life.