The world, which has been little harder for women, we believe, can be made a little easier if we take some extra efforts to do so by acquiring some skills, nurturing our abilities.
We have, here enlisted some qualities and skills which we believe every woman should have:
Every woman should study as much as she can. At least a Graduate degree is essential in any stream. Education always opens the door of opportunities. Unless and until, you are the bread - winner of the family, working or not is entirely your choice. And ladies, we really need to thank the world for giving us this choice, because our male counterparts aren’t lucky enough to enjoy this luxury. Keep aside the employment point of view, education develops mental and moral strength. It widens your decision making abilities. Education builds up your confidence. Education is the biggest strength of any woman.
Technical Skills
Be it the latest mobile app or the new version of desktop operating system, women should keep themselves updated with latest technology happenings. Gone are the times when being ignorant was considered cute. At present, being cute could be vulnerable and more likely prone to dangers. If women wish to become smart, they need to act smart. Technology not only helps in flowing with the wind, it also helps in avoiding being fooled around.
Friends and Social Network
It is always said (and at times, it is also partially true) that the brotherhood among men is stronger than the sisterhood among women. If a woman falls in a problem, another woman thinks a million times before deciding to help her. Obviously, lot of other obligations stop their way. But in the changing scenario social network and friends do play an important role in anybody's life. You never know when you may need their help. So, it is good to have a reserved life, but do not fail to have few strong bonds of friendship. Never let your voice remain unheard.
Every woman should trust herself, respect herself and stop seeing herself from other's eyes. Women need not the society or a fairness cream company to tell them that they are beautiful. Remember, the world is going to treat you the way you treat yourself. And not just on the point of beauty, even the responsibilities we bear are judged every now and then. The society has a judgement on almost everything you do. So, if you are neither hurting anybody nor fooling around, then hold your head high, believe in yourself, have confidence and do what you were going to do anyway.
And last but the most important
Common Sense
Women should have the common-sense as we say. Being emotional is good but being an emotional fool can turn out to be disastrous. It is high time we understand that some people and certain things just do not deserve our attention and emotional involvement. So, there is nothing wrong in getting your sixth sense work overtime and apply common sense before taking any decision.